Bluetooth RTK GNSS receiver NTRIP setup (Android)

System requirements:

  • Android phone / tablet with Internet connection (typically cellular based, 3G, 4G LTE or 5G, only requires 1-2 KB/second)
  • RTK capable GNSS Receiver
  • NTRIP Server login info(which provide RTK correction data)
- NTRIP Server/Caster IP address or / full qualify domain name
- Port number
- userid
- password
  • NTRIP Client on Android (For example, Lefebure NTRIP client)


NTRIP data flow diagram:

NTRIP Client via bluetooth


Connection Instructions:

Section A:

Pairing the bluetooth GNSS receiver (step 1 - 3).

1. In your Android device, go to Settings -> Device Connection -> Bluetooth -> Available Devices, you will see your bluetooth GNSS receiver. If not, please scan for the device.

TOP608 scan bluetooth

2. Tap the GNSS receiver ("TOPGNSS" on the below screenshot) under the available devices, it will prompt for “Bluetooth pairing request". Please key in "1234" as the PIN code & tap the “ok” button.

TOP608 bluetooth pair code

3. The GNSS receiver("TOPGNSS" on the below screenshot) has been successfully paired with your Android device.

TOP608 bluetooth paired


Section B: 

Install NTRIP Client. (step 4)

4. In the Android “play store” download and install the “Lefebure NTRIP Client” app.

Install Lefebure NTRIP client


Section C: 

Config the Lefebure NTRIP Client. (Step 5 - 13)

5. Launch “Lefebure NTRIP Client” app, then click the “gear” icon.

TOP608 Lefebure NTRIP client setting


6. Select “Receiver Settings”.

TOP608 NTRIP Client receiver settings

7. Select "Receiver connection".

TOP608 NTRIP Client receiver connection


8. Select”External via Bluetooth”.

TOP608 NTRIP client select bluetooth device


9. Select “TOPGNSS”.

select topgnss - rtk setup


10. Back the menu one level up. You will see the “Lefebure NTRIP Client-Settings” menu. Then select “NTRIP Settings”.

TOP608 NTRIP Client Settings

11. Select “Receiver Connection”.

TOP608 NTRIP client Receiver connection

12. Select “NTRIP v1.0”.

TOP608 NTRIP v1.0 Network Protocol

13. Key in the below settings:
Caster IP: the NTRIP server / caster IP address / fully qualified domain name.
Caster Port: the NTRIP server / Caster port number.
Username: from your NTRIP service provider.
Password: from your NTRIP service provider.
You can save these settings into a profile by select “Saved Profiles”

TOP608 NTRIP client Settings

You need a NTRIP caster login account to continue. If you do not already have one, please get one before going forward. Below are some NTRIP correction service resources. You can always get an NTRIP account from the source you prefer.

Rtk2go (free service, world wide coverage)
UNAVCO (free service, US coverage)
- A List of Public RTK Base Stations in the U.S.

Section D:

Stream the NTRIP correction data to from NTRIP caster --> Android device --> RTK GNSS Receiver(TOP608BT). (step 14 - 17)

14. When done, back to the NTRIP Client main screen. & press the “connect” button.

TOP608 Lefebure NTRIP Client connection button

15. If the NTRIP configuration key is correctly, the NTRIP service provider will return a stream List as the below. select a mount point(stream) which is the closest to your current location. You can get the mount points from your NTRIP service provider's website.

TOP608 RTK mount point (stream)

16. The NTRIP client main screen will have a progress bar showing the correction data(RTCM) is downloaded from NTRIP caster to the RTK GNSS receiver through the Android device.

TOP608 RTK connected

17. If your RTK GNSS receiver is under an open sky area, in about a minute, you might see the Fix mode changed from “FloatRTK” to “RTK”.


Congratulations! Your RTK GNSS receiver has been successfully set up.

TOP608BT Bluetooth GPS/GNSS receivers can be purchased from here.

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