Are you having trouble seeing SBAS satellites even though you've enabled them in your P-7 Pro?

There are a few reasons why this might be the case. First of all, there aren't many SBAS satellites in the sky. Additionally, SBAS satellites are geosynchronous orbit satellites, which means they don't move across the sky like other satellites do. If the elevation angle of an SBAS satellite is too low, the P-7 Pro's GNSS chip (Broadcom chip) will determine that it's unhealthy and won't capture its signal. This is why you might not always see any SBAS satellites even when you've enabled them.

During my tests of the P-7 Pro in the Toronto, Canada area, I found that I could capture SBAS satellites (such as S131 and S133) at times, but at other times I could not. The manufacturer's engineer explained that this is normal and happens in many countries. They even told me that most of the latest GNSS chips (such as Ublox and Broadcom chips) are doing the same thing: if a satellite's signal is unhealthy, they won't capture it.

However, the good news is that the P-7 Pro doesn't rely solely on SBAS to achieve the accuracy it claims. So even if you can't capture SBAS signals, you can still expect high accuracy from your device.
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