Tech Support by Vendors - Qstarz — BT-Q1000XT

BT-Q1000XT firmware update fixes GPS Week Number Rollover(WNRO) issue.

Posted by shaojie wu on

If you purchased BT-Q1000XT before April 6, 2019, please download the below firmware update package, which can be used to fix the April 2019 GPS Week Number Rollover(WNRO) issue. Please download here.

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Fix Qstarz BL-1000ST "Switch is not turned on or incompatible GPS device!" issue.

Posted by jack wu on

If you change or delete system files on Qstarz BL-1000ST GPS memory card, when you connect the GPS by using QTravel software, you might see this error message "Switch is not turned on or incompatible GPS device!". How to fix this error? The error is because of the system files of BL-1000ST GPS are missing or incorrect. Please download the and extra it into a folder. Copy all files and sub-folders of the extra folder to the QSTARZ usb driver root folder. It is ok the files in the usb drive are overwritten.Now start the QTravel software, the BL-1000ST GPS will...

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